BACK ON TRACK WITH KETO KRISP Part 6: Plant-Based Keto—Yes, It’s a Thing + Yes, it Works!
As often happens with passionate keto converts like everyone here at Keto Krisp, many of us have become “ketovangelists”—happy, healthy folks dedicated to spreading the good word about many benefits of the keto lifestyle. In our conversations with the keto kurious, one of our most common questions we get is, “is plant-based keto a thing?”
While the keto lifestyle is grounded in low carbs, high fat and moderate protein intake, it can include more meat than some omnivores are used to consuming. And, for those who are already living a plant-based lifestyle and want to manage blood sugar, lose weight and feel amazing, the idea of a “ketotarian diet” does seem pretty attractive. So here’s some good news: plant-based keto is absolutely a thing—a GREAT thing, that works! Here’s how.
First, a Reminder: Why We Need Keto
Did you know: the average American consumes more than 150 grams of sugar per day? The Standard American Diet (SAD for short, and not without reason) relies heavily on simple carbs that break down into sugar—plus TONS of hidden sugar in nearly every packaged food there is, from condiments to soups and salad dressings to “healthy” alternatives like almond milk.
When our bodies rely on sugar for energy, they have to create insulin to deliver glucose (blood sugar) to the areas that need it. And when we consume too much sugar and our insulin production can’t keep up, we’re left with extra glucose just loitering around—which can potentially put us at risk for diabetes, heart disease, obesity and a variety of other unsavory stuff (note: consult a medical professional).
Next, a Refresher: How Keto Works
With conventional keto, you basically retrain your body to burn fat for fuel, instead of sugary carbs. Once your body enters the coveted state of ketosis, or passive fat-burning, you’re giving your body a more sustainable, longer-lasting fuel while also supporting brain function and maintaining steady levels of energy throughout the day. And YES, passive fat-burning is just what it sounds like: burning fat without lifting a finger—let alone a barbell or dirty truck tire!
But there can be a downside to conventional keto, if you’re not careful. Particularly for folks who naturally gravitate toward meat and dairy, it can be tempting to make bacon and cheese the primary ingredients for one’s weekly keto menu. Since many otherwise nutritious vegetables (we see you, squashes, legumes and tubers) and grains (how we miss you, bread) are well-known keto no-nos due to their higher carb content, it can be easy to miss out on key nutrients, including fiber, that these foods provide. See where we’re going with this?
And Finally: How Plant-Based Keto Works
When you shift your keto lifestyle to plant-based keto, you’re basically creating an ultra-clean keto menu—with all the healthy plant-based protein you need to enter ketosis, PLUS the nutrient-and-fiber density of plants!
If you’re counting macros, your ratios will be pretty close to what you’d eat when following the conventional keto lifestyle. But instead of animal proteins like meat and cheese, you’ll be focused on a plant-based structure like the chart below—consuming more of the darker colors, and the less of the lighter colors. And of course, be sure to keep Keto Krisp on hand! Made with premium nut butters (note: technically, Almonds are seeds), MCT oil and other wholesome ingredients, these keto-friendly protein bars have next-to-no net carbs fit right into the ketotarian lifestyle.
Low-Sugar |
Low-Sugar |
Clean Protein |
Healthy |
Berries, |
Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, onions, cabbage |
Nuts and nut butters, seeds, fish, leafy greens, tempeh |
Coconut oil, ghee, avocados, olive |
A Final Note: Plant-Based Keto Troubleshooting
Following a conventional keto diet can facilitate rapid weight loss because lean meats are so nutritionally dense. But some plant-based sources of protein can be a bit higher in calories and carbs, which can ultimately throw you out of ketosis or slow down your progress. For this reason, plant-based keto can require some meticulous macro tweaking along the way.
If you find yourself feeling tired, flu-ey, plateaued, or otherwise not your very best keto-lovin’ self, you may want to take a look at your ratios. You might also want to add intermittent fasting into your ketotarian journey—either full-time, or as a periodic calorie-defecit booster.
Ready to try plant-based keto? Stock up on your Keto Krisp bars and get yourself to your local farmer’s market while leafy greens are GREAT—and being out in public is still a thing.