Scott: Don't Let Adversity Stop You
As part of our 2nd Annual National CanDo Day, CanDoers have been submitting their CanDo story as part of the #CanDoChallenge.
Recovering From An Achilles Tear by Scott Asai, Public Speaker, Soft Skills Expert, and TEDx Speaker:
It was a normal morning at the gym playing basketball with friends while shooting a 3-point shot, I felt someone kick me in the back of my heel.
I looked behind me and realized no one was there. Instantly I knew something was wrong. Immediately I grabbed my car keys, hobbled to my car and drove home. The next day I saw a doctor and he told me I completely tore my Achilles. I had surgery 5 days after the injury. I remember talking to my doctor and eventual physical therapist and their outlook was grim.
But this is where the story turns. I refused to hear any of it. At the time David Beckham had recovered in 5 months to play professional soccer, so that was my goal. Recovery was on. While in a cast I worked out my upper body with a fan blowing on my cast because I couldn't get it wet sweating. I did a vegetarian diet for a month and lost 10 pounds. The day after my cast came off I called my brother to take me to the gym. Admittingly I could barely do anything there, but mentally I was determined.
The following 3 months were filled with physical therapy appointments 3 times a week and I always pushed to do more. I even bought some of the same training aids at the office to use at home. Fast forward to 6 months after the injury and I was back on the court. Friends would ask if I was scared it could happen again and I replied, "no." Once you sustain a serious injury you become more aware of your body's limits. Not only was my left Achilles sewed back stronger than ever, but I had a renewed sense of taking care of my body. It's been 10 years since the injury and I haven't missed a beat. My message to you is: don't let adversity stop you. I attacked the recovery process and turned a perceived tragedy into a lifelong victory. Physical injuries can be more mental than anything else.
So, the next time you face a challenge, face it with a #CanDo attitude.
TEDx Talk - Saving Soft Skills from Extinction: